+33 (0)1 76 35 01 92
Paris - France

The company was created by Claire Cano and Idris Hassim with the objective of providing smarter vehicle transportation.
The company was the first in Europe to introduce an innovative online rental service to private individuals for 1€ combined with a car relocation service


The launch of a new vehicle relocation service with profesional drivers and the extension of our services to leaders in the automotive sector under the name of Expedicar


Serie A round of funding with 2 investment funds : Hi Innov and ID Invest

Important growth in the company’s activities and extension of services offered : 24h & emergencies, pick-up and delivery, carwash. The number of employees increased to 30 in response to this.

First funding round with Business Angel & Argus, a French corporate specialised in the automotive industry

We launched the first website to provide real-time quotations for vehicle transportation all around France in less than 72 hours

Expedicar becomes a reference in the automotive industry, enabling online carsellers to provide home delivery services for the first time in France

Launching our activity in Belgium and developping a new SAAS solution